Currently, I need this code to get my data to display on a UITableViewCell label:
guard let leaseUnits = Data.leaseUnits else { return cell; }
guard let leaseUnit = leaseUnits[indexPath.row] else { return cell; }
guard let unitId = leaseUnit.unitId else { return cell; }
guard let units = Data.units else { return cell; }
guard let unit = units[unitId] else { return cell; }
(cell.viewWithTag(1)! as! UILabel).text = unit.unitNumber;
Or I can make it like this with the risk of null run time error:
let unitNumber = Data.units![Data.leaseUnits![indexPath.row]!.unitId]!.unitNumber;
(cell.viewWithTag(1)! as! UILabel).text = unitNumber;
Is there any way I can make it to be like this:
let unitNumber = Data.units?[Data.leaseUnits?[indexPath.row]?.unitId]?.unitNumber;
if (unitNumber != nil) { (cell.viewWithTag(1)! as! UILabel).text = unitNumber!; }
I just want to get a value that if any of the chain data retrieval is nil, then just return a nil for the whole operation.
Okay, so from the comment of dfri: I can simplify it at least like this:
if let unitId = Data.leaseUnits?[indexPath.row]?.unitId {
if let unitNumber = Data.units?[unitId]?.unitNumber {
(cell.viewWithTag(1)! as! UILabel).text = unitNumber;
I can't get more simple than that.
This is good enough I guess. Now I understand more of the limitation of the optional chaining.
So finally it can becomes like this, eliminating one nested block:
if let unitId = Data.leaseUnits?[indexPath.row]?.unitId,
let unitNumber = Data.units?[unitId]?.unitNumber {
(cell.viewWithTag(1)! as! UILabel).text = unitNumber;
IMO, dfri should makes his comment as answer so I can accept it. :)
You can make use of optional chaining, as described in the Language Guide - Optional Chaining
struct Bar {
let baz: Int?
init(baz: Int) { self.baz = baz }
struct Foo {
let bar: Bar?
init(bar: Bar) { = bar }
let bar: Bar? = Bar(baz: 42)
let foo: Foo? = Foo(bar: bar!)
if let innerBaz = foo?.bar?.baz {
print(innerBaz) // 42
Also, note that you needn't nest the two optional binding clauses (with two nested if
statements), but can place them as two (or more) comma-separated optional bindings in the same if
statement, where the first binded property (if successful) is available in the one following.
/* ... as example above */
let dict = [42: "foobar!"]
if let innerBaz = foo?.bar?.baz, let dictValue = dict[innerBaz] {
print(dictValue) // foobar!