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How to filter "Include" entities in entity framework?


    public class Room
        public Room()
            this.Reservations = new HashSet<Reservation>();

        public int Id { get; set; }

        public decimal Rate { get; set; }

        public int HotelId { get; set; }

        public virtual Hotel Hotel { get; set; }

        public virtual ICollection<Reservation> Reservations { get; set; }

    public class Hotel
        public Hotel()
            this.Rooms = new HashSet<Room>();

        public int Id { get; set; }

        public string Name { get; set; }

        public virtual ICollection<Room> Rooms { get; set; }

    public class Reservation
        public int Id { get; set; }

        public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }

        public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }

        public string ContactName { get; set; }

        public int RoomId { get; set; }

        public virtual Room Room { get; set; }

  public class ExecutiveSuite : Room

  public class DataContext : DbContext
        public DbSet<Hotel> Hotels { get; set; }

        public DbSet<Reservation> Reservations { get; set; }

        public DbSet<Room> Rooms { get; set; }

        protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
                .HasKey(r => r.Id)
                .HasRequired(r => r.Hotel)
                .WithMany(r => r.Rooms)
                .HasForeignKey(r => r.HotelId);

                .HasKey(h => h.Id);

                .HasMany(r => r.Reservations)
                .WithRequired(r => r.Room)
                .HasForeignKey(r => r.RoomId);


The client code(console app):

static void Main(string[] args)
            // initialize and seed the database
            using (var context = new DataContext())
                var hotel = new Hotel { Name = "Grand Seasons Hotel" };
                var r101 = new Room { Rate = 79.95M, Hotel = hotel };
                var es201 = new ExecutiveSuite { Rate = 179.95M, Hotel = hotel };
                var es301 = new ExecutiveSuite { Rate = 299.95M, Hotel = hotel };

                var res1 = new Reservation
                    StartDate = DateTime.Parse("3/12/2010"),
                    EndDate = DateTime.Parse("3/14/2010"),
                    ContactName = "Roberta Jones",
                    Room = es301
                var res2 = new Reservation
                    StartDate = DateTime.Parse("1/18/2010"),
                    EndDate = DateTime.Parse("1/28/2010"),
                    ContactName = "Bill Meyers",
                    Room = es301
                var res3 = new Reservation
                    StartDate = DateTime.Parse("2/5/2010"),
                    EndDate = DateTime.Parse("2/6/2010"),
                    ContactName = "Robin Rosen",
                    Room = r101




            using (var context = new DataContext())
                context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
                // Assume we have an instance of hotel
                var hotel = context.Hotels.First();

                // Explicit loading with Load() provides opportunity to filter related data 
                // obtained from the Include() method 
                       .Collection(x => x.Rooms)
                       .Include(y => y.Reservations)
                       .Where(y => y is ExecutiveSuite && y.Reservations.Any())

                Console.WriteLine("Executive Suites for {0} with reservations", hotel.Name);

                foreach (var room in hotel.Rooms)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nExecutive Suite {0} is {1} per night", room.Id,
                    Console.WriteLine("Current reservations are:");
                    foreach (var res in room.Reservations.OrderBy(r => r.StartDate))
                        Console.WriteLine("\t{0} thru {1} ({2})", res.StartDate.ToShortDateString(),
                                          res.EndDate.ToShortDateString(), res.ContactName);

            Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue...");

using ( var context = new DataContext() )

        //context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

        // Assume we have an instance of hotel
        var hotel = context.Hotels.First();
        var rooms = context.Rooms.Include( r => r.Reservations ).Where( r => r is ExecutiveSuite && r.Reservations.Any() ).Where( r => r.Hotel.Id == hotel.Id );
        Console.WriteLine( "Executive Suites for {0} with reservations", hotel.Name );

        foreach ( var room in hotel.Rooms )
           Console.WriteLine( "\nExecutive Suite {0} is {1} per night", room.Id,
                             room.Rate.ToString( "C" ) );
           Console.WriteLine( "Current reservations are:" );
           foreach ( var res in room.Reservations.OrderBy( r => r.StartDate ) )
              Console.WriteLine( "\t{0} thru {1} ({2})", res.StartDate.ToShortDateString(),
                                res.EndDate.ToShortDateString(), res.ContactName );

I tried projecting and putting it in an anonymous object:

       var hotel = context.Hotels.Select(h =>
            Id = h.Id,
            Name = h.Name,
            Rooms = h.Rooms.Where(r => r.Reservations is ExecutiveSuite && r.Reservations.Any())

but I get an exception: "DbIsOfExpression requires an expression argument with a polymorphic result type that is compatible with the type argument."

Now, if you would notice, I implemented it in two different ways, first was by explicitly loading the related entities, second was by having two different queries, my question would be, is there a way I can load my object graph and filter the entities I "Include" with just a single trip from the database?


  • There are two ways to filter include Entity.

    • Using a projection (See @Eldho answer)
    • Using a third party library

    Disclaimer: I'm the owner of the project Entity Framework Plus

    The EF+ Query IncludeFilter allows to easily filter included entities.

           .Collection(x => x.Rooms)
           .IncludeFilter(y => y.Reservations
                                .Where(z => z is ExecutiveSuite && z.Reservations.Any())

    Under the hood, the library does exactly a projection.

    Wiki: EF+ Query Include Filter

    EDIT: Answer subquestion

    You almost did it. The rooms were included and filtered, but you didn't include the reservations.

    var hotel = context.Hotels
        // Include only executive suite with a reservation
        .IncludeFilter(x => x.Rooms.Where(y => y is ExecutiveSuite && y.Reservations.Any()))
        // Include only reservation from executive suite
        .IncludeFilter(x => x.Rooms.Where(y => y is ExecutiveSuite).Select(z => z.Reservations))

    EDIT: Answer Comment

    How can we include multilevel properties with include filter

    You can include multilevel by specifying each path (one per IncludeFilter)

    So qry.Include("Rooms.Hotel") become:

    qry.IncludeFilter(x => x.Rooms)
       .IncludeFilter(x => x.Rooms.Select(y => y.Hotel))

    EDIT: Answer Comment

    does EF+ have dotnet 5.0 support?

    Yes, it supports dotnet 5.0 and EF Core 5.0. However, for IncludeFilter, you should also look at the filtered include built-in directly in EF Core 5: