I want to remove the hamburger and the rectangle area of it, but I just can't.
A lot of answers out there are saying to use "setDrawerIndicatorEnabled(false)", but I think this is not what I want, or if it is, I'm not using correctly.
When the indicator is disabled, the ActionBar will revert to displaying the home-as-up indicator provided by the Activity's theme in the android.R.attr.homeAsUpIndicator attribute instead of the animated drawer glyph.
The thing is, I want to remove it, not just show the navigation arrow.
The sole purpose of an ActionBarDrawerToggle
is to enable that button to open/close the drawer of a DrawerLayout
with a click. If you don't want that functionality, you can just remove the ActionBarDrawerToggle
. The user will still be able to drag the drawer per usual, and you can still open/close it programmatically with the appropriate DrawerLayout#openDrawer()
and DrawerLayout#closeDrawer*()
If you've also used another method that enables a navigation/up button - e.g., ActionBar#setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled()
or Toolbar#setNavigationIcon()
- you'll need to remove that, as well, to completely get rid of the button.