When i try to run a script in my xcode 8 project i get this error
Shell Script Invocation Error
I know how to install fabric in xcode, i've successfuly installed in in xcode 7 in numerous projects without issue. But now in a new project in xcode 8 i get this error.
When i delete the script there is no error at all.
The script has the following style.
I tried to navigate inside Fabric folder of my Pod, and runed this command
chmod 755 run
chmod 755 upload-symbols
chmod 755 uploadDSYM
With no luck. Any idea?
the error is the following
/Users/kwstasna/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/APPNAME-fmbbqrezzwnumzdatywvlcxvqdob/Build/Intermediates/APPNAME.build/Debug-iphoneos/APPNAME.build/Script-6EA07B731D93E6ED00FD0CE8.sh: line 2: /Users/kwstasna/Desktop/open: No such file or directory
So I changed
In macOS Sierra beta.