I have a question regarding my Spotfire model.
In the Pivottable which we have formed, we have agents, we have an average column in the Pivot table for the sales quantity and a 'MostCommon' sales quantity value per Agent.
Now, as another expression, I want to add a column counting the MostCommon value per Agent? Can anyone give some guidance?
So finally we will display the agent, the average sales per agent, the most common sales quantity, then a count of how many times the most common sales value occurs per agent.
Kind regards
@user4242750 - I have added 'most common' column in the raw data table with the expression below.
MostCommon([Sales]) over ([Agent])
Based on this column, created another column ' count_mostcommon' which puts 1 if it finds the most common value in sales column.
if([Sales]=[most common],1,null)
Created a cross table from this raw table and added avg(sales) and count(count_mostcommon) aggregations.
Note: Created 'most common' column for explanation purpose. You can avoid creating it as a separate column and can include the expression directly in 'count_mostcommon' column expression as shown below
if([Sales]=MostCommon([Sales]) over ([Agent]),1,null)