I have a formula to be evaluated "6*6*6*6*6*6*5*6*6*6*5*6*5" Ncalc returns = -1031662592 when the answer should be (I expect to be) = 7558272000
the code is fairly straight forward
Function StraightEval(Formula As String)
Dim X As New Expression(Formula)
Dim result = X.Evaluate
Return result
Catch ex As Exception
Return "Error " & ex.Message
End Try
End Function
Any ideas as to the discrepancy and how to fix it ? I know I could code my own little function that splits the string and does the math in a loop but I just though I ask the question first.
My idea is that setting result = 6*6*6*6*6*6*5*6*6*6*5*6*5 causes an overflow of its limit 2,147,483,647 since it seems to default to integer, with the result being interpreted as a negative number.
I believe that
Function StraightEval(Formula As String)
Dim X As New Expression(Formula)
Dim result as Long = X.Evaluate
Return result
Catch ex As Exception
Return "Error " & ex.Message
End Try
End Function
will fix it.