I am hoping to provide just enough information so as not to bore anyone.
I have a model that creates a user, which has various properties including an array of specializations:
public class User
public string[] specializations { get; set; }
Part of my query retrieves the specializations as a delimited list:
STUFF(( SELECT ';' + csc.description
FROM certified_specialization_code csc
INNER JOIN certified_specialization cs ON csc.specialization_code = cs.specialization_code
WHERE cs.member_number = m.entity_number)
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '' ) AS specializations,
I then take the query values and assign them to my model:
while (reader.Read())
member.specializations = reader["specializations"];
What is the proper syntax to take that string and assign it to member.specializations, the string[]?
Just like you'd split any other string:
member.specializations = reader["specializations"].ToString()