This is what I already know, Tables for open invoices:
I've been working on this for a while without a clue, there must be a way to get the pending amount or at least to know if these invoices have been paid.
I already looked on all the Microsoft documentation with no success, hope you can help me.
This is the AX Query to get the open balance in MST for a customer. To do it in SQL, you can rewrite it and/or at least use this to maybe get towards what you want.
This code originates from \Data Dictionary\Tables\CustTable\Methods\openInvoiceBalanceMST
in AX.
below refers to CustTable
while select sum(AmountMST) from custTransOpen
where custTransOpen.AccountNum == this.AccountNum
&& custTransOpen.TransDate >= _fromDate
&& custTransOpen.TransDate <= _toDate
exists join custTrans
where custTrans.RecId == custTransOpen.RefRecId
&& (custTrans.Invoice != ''
|| (custTrans.Invoice == '' && custTrans.AmountMST > 0))
openBalanceMST += custTransOpen.AmountMST;