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Is Javascript a Functional Programming Language?

Just because functions are first class objects, there are closures, and higher order functions, does Javascript deserve to be called a Functional Programming language? The main thing I think it lacks is Pure Functions, and it doesn't 'feel' like other functional languages, like lisp (although thats not really a good reason for it not to be a functional langauge...)


  • Repeating my own answer to a similar question,

    There's no accepted definition of functional programming language.

    If you define functional language as the language that supports first class functions and lambdas, then yes, JavaScript *is* a functional language.

    If you also consider the factors like support for immutability, algebraic data types, pattern matching, partial application etc then no, JavaScript *is not* a functional language.

    I'd encourage you to read the following related blog posts (and also the comments below them):