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Storing a struct in an NSArray

Back with my daily silly question. Today I'm trying to put a struct in an NSArray. Alright, that's easy, wrap it in a NSData. If you know me, you know you're about to see code. In this example, I'm loading a vertex line from a Wavefront OBJ into a struct and sticking it in an array.

        NSArray *verticeLineParts = [currentLine componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
        Coordinate c = CoordinateMake([[verticeLineParts objectAtIndex:1] floatValue],
                                      [[verticeLineParts objectAtIndex:2] floatValue],
                                      [[verticeLineParts objectAtIndex:3] floatValue]);
        [vertices addObject:[[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&c length:sizeof(c)]];

This seems to work fine. The first few objects in the output:

2010-10-18 14:18:08.237 ObjLoader[3778:207] (
    <5d1613bd 13f3da3f 8ac745bd>,
    <f04c28bd 13f3da3f d88048bd>,
    <649427bd d61ddb3f d88048bd>,
    <477625bd d845db3f d88048bd>,
    <4c1722bd 1668db3f d88048bd>,

When it comes to printing them out after pulling them from the array, not so much. The offending code:

for (int i = 0; i < [vertices count]; i++) {
    Coordinate c;
    fillCoordinateFromData(c, [vertices objectAtIndex:i]);
    NSLog(@"%@", CoordinateToNSString(c));


void fillCoordinateFromData(Coordinate c, NSData *d) {
    void *bytes = malloc(12);
    [d getBytes:bytes];
    memcpy((void *)&c, &bytes, 12);

Of course, the offending output:

2010-10-18 14:22:00.692 ObjLoader[3825:207] 9.885923, -6.837428, 0.000000
2010-10-18 14:22:00.693 ObjLoader[3825:207] 9.885923, -6.837428, 0.000000
2010-10-18 14:22:00.694 ObjLoader[3825:207] 9.885923, -6.837428, 0.000000
2010-10-18 14:22:00.695 ObjLoader[3825:207] 9.885923, -6.837428, 0.000000
2010-10-18 14:22:00.695 ObjLoader[3825:207] 9.885923, -6.837428, 0.000000

I think this is caused by C wizardry attempted by someone who's not a C wizard, kind of like The Sorcerer's Apprentice. I think this should be obvious to a wizard of the 99th degree, or if someone can suggest a more modern way to do this, let me know.

Thanks, Will


  • void fillCoordinateFromData(Coordinate c, NSData *d) {

    This passes c by value. The modification of c in this function won't be reflected back to the caller.

    You need to pass by pointer (reference) instead.

    fillCoordinateFromData(&c, [vertices objectAtIndex:i]);
    void fillCoordinateFromData(Coordinate* pc, NSData *d) {
        void *bytes = malloc(12);
        [d getBytes:bytes];
        memcpy((void *)c, &bytes, 12);

    but it is better to just return the Coordinate.

    Coordinate c = getCoordinateFromData([vertices objectAtIndex:i]);
    Coordinate getCoordinateFromData(NSData* d) {
      Coordinate c;
      [d getBytes:&c];   // and let's not waste time allocating 12 bytes.
      return c;

    BTW, by convention structs are wrapped in NSValue, not NSData.

    [vertices addObject:[NSValue valueWithBytes:&c withObjCType:@encode(Coordinate)]];
    Coordinate getCoordinateFromData(NSValue* d) {
      Coordinate c;
      [d getValue:&c];
      return c;