I am trying to do bulk update:
> update ti_table set enabled=T.enabled
from (select * from
unnest(array['2001622', '2001624', '2007903']) as id,
unnest(array[15,14,8]) as ver,
unnest(array['type1', 'type1', 'type1']) as type,
unnest(array[false, true, true]) as enabled) T
where ti_table.id=T.id AND ti_table.ver=T.ver AND ti_table.type=T.type;
However, when I read back:
> select id, ver, type, enabled from ti_table where id in ('2001622', '2001624', '2007903');
I see:
id | ver | type | enabled
2001622 | 15 | type1 | f
2001624 | 14 | type1 | f
2007903 | 8 | type1 | f
In the last two rows enabled is false
while I expected it to be true
Why is this happening and how would I do it correctly?
You are calling unnest
3 times on FROM
clause, that means you are doing a CROSS JOIN
(cartesian product) of the 3.
If you are on PostgreSQL 9.4 or higher, you can simple do one call of unnest
giving each array as input:
select * from
array['2001622', '2001624', '2007903'],
array['type1', 'type1', 'type1'],
array[false, true, true]
) as u(id, ver, type, enabled)
Another option, for any version, is to add the call to unnest
instead of FROM
unnest(array['2001622', '2001624', '2007903']) as id,
unnest(array[15,14,8]) as ver,
unnest(array['type1', 'type1', 'type1']) as type,
unnest(array[false, true, true]) as enabled
In both cases, but specially on the last one, you must be sure each array have the exact same number of elements. If it doesn't on the first method each missing row will be filled as NULL, but the second one it will return as many rows as the LCM of the number of rows returned by each, what you probably do not want. Example:
SELECT * FROM unnest(array[1,2,3,4], array['a','b','c','d','e','f']);
unnest | unnest
1 | a
2 | b
3 | c
4 | d
[null] | e
[null] | f
(6 rows)
SELECT unnest(array[1,2,3,4]), unnest(array['a','b','c','d','e','f']);
unnest | unnest
1 | a
2 | b
3 | c
4 | d
1 | e
2 | f
3 | a
4 | b
1 | c
2 | d
3 | e
4 | f
(12 rows)
Check the documentation on table functions calls for more information.