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Rep type in GHC Generics

I am trying to build a Default class that automagically knows how to create default values. So I read the relevan wiki page and my problem comes down to this: Why does this typecheck:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}

import GHC.Generics

-- From (sort of)
class GSerialize f where
  gput :: f a -> [Int]
class Serialize a where
  put :: a -> [Int]
  default put :: (Generic a, GSerialize (Rep a)) => a -> [Int]
  put a = gput (from a)

But this doesn't

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}

import GHC.Generics

class GDefault a where
  gdef :: a
class Default a where
  def :: a
  default def :: (Generic a, GDefault (Rep a)) => a
  def = gdef . from

The error is:

• Expecting one more argument to ‘Rep a’
  Expected a type, but ‘Rep a’ has kind ‘* -> *’
• In the first argument of ‘GDefault’, namely ‘Rep a’
  In the type signature:
    def :: (Generic a, GDefault (Rep a)) => a
  In the class declaration for ‘Default’


  • The compiler error here is helpful, but only in that annoying way where it tells you exactly what is wrong but not why it is wrong.

    Expected a type but "Rep a" has kind "* -> *".

    So the problem here is that Rep (a type family) needs two arguments (call them a and p, as in Rep a p); it as a type-level function maps these two type arguments into the "generic" type. For example,

    data Empty deriving Generic
    instance Generic Empty where
      type Rep Empty =
        D1 ('MetaData "Empty" "Main" "package-name" 'False) V1
    -- taken from
    • a, e.g. Empty, represents the type from which we are genericizing.

    • p is a dummy type so that we can reuse our representation types for higher-level types (see Generic1 in the documentation).

    So, in the above example, Rep Empty p would simplify to D1 ('MetaData ...) V1 p.

    We can usually ignore p except when it comes to defining new typeclasses that take advantage of generics. We want to pattern match on on types like D1 ('MetaData ...) V1 p but we need some way of handling the extra parameter.

    A trick then is to treat D1 ('MetaData ...) V1 like a higher-level type (like a functor). This is our f in GDefault.

    class GDefault f where
      gdef :: f a

    Yes a will always be this stupid parameter that we will never use, but in return for line noise we get the ability to pattern match on the f in our instances. Here are four instances that allow for automatic generic def implementations for product types (:*: being a lifted tuple):

    instance GDefault U1 where
      gdef = U1
    instance Default a => GDefault (K1 i a) where
      gdef = K1 def
    instance (GDefault a, GDefault b) => GDefault (a :*: b) where
      gdef = gdef :*: gdef
    instance GDefault a => GDefault (M1 i c a) where
      gdef = M1 gdef

    This, along with some sensible defaults for the numeric tower, will let us define datatypes like data Foo = Foo Int Char Float deriving (Show, Generic) and evaluate show (def :: Foo) to "Foo 0 0 0.0".

    Your code had gdef :: a, which is the wrong kind. We want gdef :: f a because the typeclass is defined on types with kind * -> *, hence the error message.

    And to take advantage of this helper class, we do much as you did:

    class Default a where
      def :: a
      default def :: (Generic a, GDefault (Rep a)) => a
      def = to gdef

    to :: Rep a x -> a introduces a spurious x, which unifies with our gdef :: f a to produce f ~ Rep a, throwing away the x and being exactly what we intended.

    You can see this approach elaborated in the data-default package.