I have the following document structure in mongodb
"_id" : "123",
"first_name" : "Lorem",
"last_name" : "Ipsum",
"conversations" : {
"personal" : [
"last_message" : "Hello bar",
"last_read" : 1474456404
"last_message" : "Hello foo",
"last_read" : 1474456404
"group" : [
"last_message" : "Hello Everyone",
"last_read" : null
I want to count the number of conversations from the sub arrays, personal
and group
where the last_read
is null, for a given user. Please how can I achieve this?
I tried:
{ $match: {"_id":"123", 'conversations.$.last_read': null }},
$group: {
{$size: "$conversations.personal"}, {$size: "$conversations.group"}
but didn't get he desired output. Any better ideas, please?
The following query counts the number of sub documents under personal
and group
arrays that have last_read
value null
combines multiple arrays into a single one. It was introduced in MongoDB 3.2.
{ "$match": {"_id":"123", 'conversations.$.last_read': null }},
{ "$project":{"messages":{$concatArrays : ["$conversations.personal","$conversations.group"]}}},
{ "$unwind": "$messages"}, {$match:{"messages.last_read": null}},
{ "$group":{"_id":null, count: {$sum:1}}}
Sample Result:
{ "_id" : null, "count" : 3 }