I am newbie to scala . I am trying to create an Object that extends abstract class like show below
object Conversions extends UnitConversions
override def inchesToCentimeters(inches:Int) = inches * 2.5
override def gallonsToLiters(gallons:Int) = gallons * 3.78
override def milesToKilometers(miles:Int) = miles * 1.6
abstract class UnitConversions
def inchesToCentimeters(inches:Int)
def gallonsToLiters(gallons:Int)
def milesToKilometers(miles:Int)
While i try to access the object's member functions i get () this expression as output .
Conversions.milesToKilometers(20) //I get output ()
More over is the below statement valid ???
var ucv:UnitConversions = new Conversions
println(ucv.milesToKilometers(3)) // I get output () here as well
Thanks in Advance !
You need to provide a return type for the functions, otherwise they return Unit
abstract class UnitConversions {
def inchesToCentimeters(inches:Int): Double
def gallonsToLiters(gallons:Int): Double
def milesToKilometers(miles:Int): Double