I would like to read in this file (test.txt)
...I tried it with the numpy function genfromtxt() (see below in the code excerpt).
import numpy as np
col_names = ["date", "time", "rain_intensity", "weather_code_1", "radar_ref", "weather_code_2", "val6", "rain_accum", "val8", "val9"]
types = ["object", "object", "float", "uint8", "float", "uint8", "uint8", "float", "uint8","|S10"]
# Read in the file with np.genfromtxt
mydata = np.genfromtxt("test.txt", delimiter=";", names=col_names, dtype=types)
Now when I execute the code I get the following error -->
raise ValueError(errmsg)ValueError: Some errors were detected !
Line #4 (got 79 columns instead of 10)
Now I think that the difficulties come from the last column (val9) with the many ;;;;;;;
It is obvious that the delimeters and the signs in the last column;
are the same!
How can I read in the file without an error, maybe there is a possibility to skip the last column, or to replace the ;
only in the last column?
can be used to ignore excess delimiters, e.g.
In [546]: np.genfromtxt([b'1,2,3',b'1,2,3,,,,,,'], dtype=None,
delimiter=',', usecols=np.arange(3))
array([[1, 2, 3],
[1, 2, 3]])