Let's say that we have this class:
unit Traitement;
TTraitement =class
function func1(param:String): String;
function func2(param:String): String;
function TTraitement.func1(param:String): String;
//some code
function TTraitement.func2(param:String): String;
//some code
And I want to call func1
in the code of func2
. Well I used to be a Java programmer, and in this case I would use the keyword this
. Does Pascal have an equivalent for the this
keyword? If not, how can I achieve this kind of call?
The equivalent to Java's this
in Delphi is Self
. From the documentation:
Within the implementation of a method, the identifier Self references the object in which the method is called. For example, here is the implementation of TCollection Add method in the Classes unit:
function TCollection.Add: TCollectionItem; begin Result := FItemClass.Create(Self); end;
The Add method calls the Create method in the class referenced by the FItemClass field, which is always a TCollectionItem descendant. TCollectionItem.Create takes a single parameter of type TCollection, so Add passes it the TCollection instance object where Add is called. This is illustrated in the following code:
var MyCollection: TCollection; ... MyCollection.Add // MyCollection is passed to the // TCollectionItem.Create method
Self is useful for a variety of reasons. For example, a member identifier declared in a class type might be redeclared in the block of one of the class' methods. In this case, you can access the original member identifier as Self.Identifier.
Note, however, that the example code in the question has no need to use Self
. In that code you can call func1
from func2
omitting Self
The example given in the above documentation excerpt does provide proper motivation for the existence of Self