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Programming a function that saves and returns values in python

I am currently experimenting with Python and programming a little text-adventure. In my game the player has certain properties like hp, attack damage and inventory slots for items. I want to be able to call these properties from everywhere in my code. For that I created a function that receives three values:

"edit": to specify if a variable should be edited

"info_id": to specify which variable should be accessed

"value": the new value for the variable

This is what it looks like in my code:

def player_info(edit, info_id, value):

  if edit == 1:
  ##function wants to edit value
      if info_id == 1:
          player_hp = value
          print ("Assigned hp to: ", player_hp) 
          ##the "prints" are just to check if the asignments work -> they do
          return player_hp

      elif info_id == 2:
          player_attack = value
          print ("Assigned attack to: ", player_attack)
          return player_attack
      elif info_id == 3:
          item_1 = value
          return item_1
      elif info_id == 4:
          item_2 = value
          return item_2
       elif info_id == 5:
          item_3 = value

  elif edit == 0:
  ##function wants to retrieve value
      if info_id == 1:
          return player_hp
      elif info_id == 2:
          return player_attack
      elif info_id == 3:
          return item_1
      elif info_id == 4:
          return item_2
      elif info_id == 5:
          return item_3

There are actually 10 item slots (going up to info_id==13) but they are all the same anyway.

I define all variables at the beginning of my code:

  while n<=13:
##items are not fully implemented yet so I define the item slots as 0

The definition works, I can tell because of the control "print" I implemented in the code. Still when I call a variable, e.g. the health like this:


I get an error:

local variable 'player_hp' referenced before assignment

Does the function not save the variable properly? Or what is the problem?

Is there a better way to save variables? Are global variables the way to go in this case?

Thanks for the help!


  • You asked, "Does the function not save the variable properly?"

    In general, Python functions do not save their state. The exception is functions that use the yield statement. If you write a function like this

    def save_data(data):
        storage = data

    and call it like this


    you will not be able to get the value of storage later. In Python, if you need to save data and retrieve it later, you would normally use classes.

    Python classes allow you do do things like this:

    class PlayerData(object):
        def __init__(self, hp=0, damage=0):
            self.hp = hp
            self.damage = damage
            self.inventory = list()
            self.max_inventory = 10
        def add_item(self, item):
            if len(self.inventory) < self.max_inventory:
        def hit(self, damage):
            self.hp -= damage
            if self.hp < 0:
                self.hp = 0
        def attack(self, other):
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        player1 = PlayerData(20, 5)
        player2 = PlayerData(20, 5)
        print player2.hp
        print player1.inventory


    ['sword', 'shield']

    This really only scratches the surface of how to use classes. In a more complete implementation, you might have an Item base class. Then you might create Sword and Shield classes that inherit from Item.