Targeting HTML5 in OpenFL
is easy, however, I could not add glowing effects to sprites, I am thinking of a work around, that is using JavaScript library to add webGL effects to the sprites in Canvas.
But, the question is, how would I access the sprites inCanvas
using JavaScript? and what tool to use to inspect sprites in Canvas
First of, since version 4.0 openfl uses webgl renderer by default and adding glow effect in that case requires a 'deep dive' into openfl/lime source code and i can't give you that. But if that's suitable for you, force openfl to use canvas fallback with
<haxedef name="canvas"/>
and then you can create custom Bitmap class (for example) with glow effect like so
import openfl.display.Bitmap;
import openfl.display.BitmapData;
import openfl.display.PixelSnapping;
import openfl._internal.renderer.cairo.CairoBitmap;
import openfl._internal.renderer.canvas.CanvasBitmap;
import openfl._internal.renderer.dom.DOMBitmap;
import openfl._internal.renderer.opengl.GLBitmap;
import openfl._internal.renderer.RenderSession;
class HackyBitmap extends Bitmap
* Custom property for tweening
public var glowBlur:Float = 0.0;
public function new(bitmapData:BitmapData=null, pixelSnapping:PixelSnapping=null, smoothing:Bool=false)
super(bitmapData, pixelSnapping, smoothing);
public override function __renderCanvas (renderSession:RenderSession):Void {
var context = renderSession.context;
if (glowBlur > 0)
context.shadowBlur = glowBlur;
context.shadowColor = "white";
CanvasBitmap.render (this, renderSession);
if (glowBlur > 0)
var data = Assets.getBitmapData("img/berry.png");
var hacky = new HackyBitmap(data);
hacky.x = hacky.y = 20;
//to animate glow property
Actuate.tween(hacky, 1.0, { glowBlur: 50 }).repeat().reflect();
OpenFL/Lime versions
lime 3.2.0
openfl 4.2.0
How it looks