I'm attempting to set the identifier
of AVMetadataItem
in swift3
, like mentioned in this apple video. However, the video is pre-swift3.
In swift2
it would look something like this:
let metadataItem = AVMetadataItem(identifier: AVMetadataCommonIdentifierTitle, value: "Title here")
However, in swift3
that constructor does not exist anymore.
There is an empty constructor and this one:
AVMetadataItem(propertiesOf: AVMetadataItem, valueLoadingHandler: (AVMetadataItemValueRequest) -> Void)
There does not seem to be any methods that exist to set the identifier
How do I set the identifier
of AVMetadataItem
in swift3
Tried with AVMutableMetadataItem() as suggested by Lucas.
private func setupNavigationMarker(title: String, description: String, timeRange: CMTimeRange)-> AVTimedMetadataGroup {
var items: [AVMetadataItem] = []
let titleItem = AVMutableMetadataItem()
titleItem.identifier = AVMetadataCommonIdentifierTitle
titleItem.value = title as (NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol)?
let descriptionItem = AVMutableMetadataItem()
descriptionItem.identifier = AVMetadataCommonIdentifierDescription
descriptionItem.value = description as (NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol)?
return AVTimedMetadataGroup(items: items, timeRange: timeRange)
and here in use:
let cmTimeStart = CMTimeMake(0, 0)
let cmTimeDuration = CMTimeMake(10, 1)
let timeRange = CMTimeRange(start: cmTimeStart, duration: cmTimeDuration)
let timedMetadataGroup = self.setupNavigationMarker(title: "test", description: "description test" , timeRange: timeRange)
let timedMetadataGroupList = [timedMetadataGroup]
let navigationMarkersGroup = AVNavigationMarkersGroup(title: "Chapters", timedNavigationMarkers: timedMetadataGroupList)
//predefined avPlayerItem
It compiles and runs but no navigation markers (aka chapters) are proposed when the video plays. What am I missing?
Use AVMutableMetadata
instead of AVMetadata
this way you can modify the identifier
as you choose to.
let titleItem = AVMutableMetadataItem()
titleItem.identifier = AVMetadataCommonIdentifierTitle