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How to get the current minute for playing YouTube video in Android

I have the YouTube player embedded in my Android application. I want to get the current minute of the video playing once I press the device's back button. I tried doing this:

public void onInitializationSuccess(YouTubePlayer.Provider provider, YouTubePlayer youTubePlayer, boolean b) {

    Log.d(TAG , "onInitializationSuccess(Provider, YouTubePlayer, boolean ) - Ini ");

    if(!b) {
        int minute  = youTubePlayer.getCurrentTimeMillis();


    Log.d(TAG , "onInitializationSuccess(Provider, YouTubePlayer, boolean ) - Fi ");


but without success; the minute is always 0. I don't know why.

Any help?


  • if the video is playing, you can get the current millis using this

    long millis = youTubePlayer.getCurrentTimeMillis();

    and just convert it to minutes & seconds. The best i've found so far for conversion is using this code

    long minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(millis);
    long seconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(millis);
