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What is the time complexity of element access for boost::hana::tuple?

As far as I can tell, for purely functional sequence types the naive implementation of a sequence would result in O(n) time complexity for element access and a better implementation (as described by Chris Okasaki) enjoys O(log n) complexity, for a sequence of length n.

What is the time complexity of accessing an arbitrary element in a boost::hana::tuple with operator[]? If it's neither of the above, how is it implemented?


  • The runtime complexity is O(1). Basically, it's as fast as accessing a struct member (because that's essentially what it is). The implementation is similar to a std::tuple.

    As for the compile-time complexity, it's also O(1), but you do pay O(n) compile-time complexity for creating the tuple at the beginning. Also, here, I measure compile-time complexity in terms of the number of template instantiations, but that's a very naive way of measuring the final compilation time.

    Edit: Here's the gist of how tuple access works:

    // Holds an element of the tuple
    template <std::size_t n, typename Xn>
    struct elt { Xn data_; };
    // Inherits multiply from the holder structs
    template <typename Indices, typename ...Xn>
    struct tuple_impl;
    template <std::size_t ...n, typename ...Xn>
    struct tuple_impl<std::index_sequence<n...>, Xn...>
        : elt<n, Xn>...
    { /* ... */ };
    template <typename ...Xn>
    struct basic_tuple
        : tuple_impl<std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Xn)>, Xn...>
    { /* ... */ };
    // When you call get<n>(tuple), your tuple is basically casted to a reference
    // to one of its bases that holds a single element at the right index, and then
    // that element is accessed.
    template <std::size_t n, typename Xn>
    Xn const& get(elt<n, Xn> const& xn)
    { return xn.data_; }