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getting 'ValueError: not open' when trying to open a connection with hidapi/hid on OSX

I am using python to open a hid/hidapi (the error is the same either way) connection on OSX El Capitan. However, It gives me the following error stacktrace:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/johndoe/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages/gevent/", line 534, in run
    result = self._run(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/Users/johndoe/IdeaProjects/projectname/emokit-master/python/emokit/", line 403, in setup
  File "/Users/johndoe/IdeaProjects/projectname/emokit-master/python/emokit/", line 526, in setup_darwin
    data =
  File "hid.pyx", line 105, in (hid.c:2338)
ValueError: not open
<Greenlet at 0x10f7f1b90: <bound method Emotiv.setup of <emokit.emotiv.Emotiv object at 0x10f532c50>>> failed with ValueError

I can't find anything on this, and do not usually use OSX or python, so I am at a bit of a loss


  • Often, hidapi needs sudo permissions on a mac for some reason. Even if you are running Ubuntu on a mac.