I am trying to test a $resources service call from the link function of a directive. My test is looking to see if the service is called with the correct parameter ($stateParams.id).
The Service:
AppServices.factory('lastReportService', ['$resource',function($resource){
return $resource('/endpoint/:id/report/',null, { id : '@id'})
The Directive:
AppDirectives.directive('directive', ['lastReportService','$stateParams', function(lastReportService,$stateParams) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
object : '=',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
function(response){ //DO STUFF WITH RESPONSE });
The Specs:
beforeEach(function() {
inject(function ($compile, $rootScope, _$q_, lastReportService) {
compile = $compile;
scope = $rootScope.$new()
object = {"id":"cd625c6e-944e-478e-b0f1-161c025d4e1a"};
$stateParams = {"id":"cd625c6e-944e-478e-b0f1-161c025d4e1a"};
$serviceForlastReportService = lastReportService;
//Service Spy
var lastReportGetDeferred = _$q_.defer();
spyOn($serviceForlastReportService, 'get').and.callFake(function(){
return {$promise: lastReportGetDeferred.promise};
adGroupTopNav = compile(angular.element('<directive object="object"></directive>'))(scope);
it('should fetch last report service api to retrieve the last report information', function(){
When running this test I am getting the following error.
Expected spy get to have been called with [ Object({ id: 'cd625c6e-944e-478e-b0f1-161c025d4e1a' }) ] but actual calls were [ Object({ id: undefined }) ].
So, here's my question, why the service is not called with $stateParams.id ?
Did I missed something on the Spy configuration ? Should I inject $statePArams differently ?
I think you have to inject your mock $stateParams
object to your factory. Haven't tried this, but this could work in your spec
This should inject your object with mock id when $stateParams
is injected in the service