I have a simple tasks I would like to do. Using an RODBC connection I have connected R to a SQL server database. There are four tables in the database and they are tenors of Libor rates
Each table has two columns. The first column shows dates and the second column shows rates.
I would like a simple chart that plots the rates based on the dates in column 1. Straightforward - that is all that needs to be done. The x-axis should be dates (column 1) and the y axis should be rates (column 2). Note it is 5 years worth of data so showing every possible date on the x-axis may not be feasible.
Here is my work so far I am using the Libor_3_mos as an example
threemosdata <- sqlQuery(con,"select * from Libor_3_mos)
Using that line I can read the data from the table. So for instance
will give me the names of the column in the table.
So this worked lovely
> date <- (threemosdata$observation_date)
> rates <- (threemosdata$USD3MTD156N)
> plot(date,rates)