I have a StackView with two items in it. Both items should handle some keys.
I would assume that, if the currentItem
in a StackView does not handle a key, that the key would be forwarded to the lower layers but apparently, this is not the case.
The following example illustrates the problem. When pressing eg 'A', I see that the key is handled by layer1
and by the stackview itself but the key is not handled by layer0
Note that layer0
remains visible after pushing layer1
on top of it due to the properties.exitItem.visible = true
statement in transitionFinished
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
Window {
id: mainWindow
visible: true
width: 1280
height: 720
color: "black"
Component {
id: layer0
Rectangle {
Keys.onPressed: console.log("layer0")
Component {
id: layer1
Rectangle {
Keys.onPressed: console.log("layer1")
StackView {
id: stack
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
focus: true
Component.onCompleted: {
Keys.onPressed: {
delegate: StackViewDelegate {
function transitionFinished(properties)
properties.exitItem.visible = true
properties.exitItem.focus = true
I would assume that, if the currentItem in a StackView does not handle a key, that the key would be forwarded to the lower layers but apparently, this is not the case.
Apparently according to Qt Documentation the key event propagation goes like this:
If the QQuickItem with active focus accepts the key event, propagation stops. Otherwise the event is sent to the Item's parent until the event is accepted, or the root item is reached.
If I understand that correctly, in your example the two items are siblings. Layer1 has focus, and it will propagate the event UP in the hierarchy, not horizontally or down. Moreover, those multiple focus: true
won't have any effect, since the last item receiving the focus will get it, in this situation layer1 in Component.onCompleted
One way to work around this could be defining a new signal, say,
Window {
id: mainWindow
signal keyReceived(int key)
and then in StackView to fire that event on Keys.onPressed:
Keys.onPressed: {
And finally catching the new signal in your Rectangles:
Component {
id: layer1
Rectangle {
Connections {
target: mainWindow
onKeyReceived: console.log("layer1")