I have developed an app targeting windows and iOS. The windows build works perfectly while installing on device but not the iOS app.
I am using a Visual Studio 2015 on my windows 8.1 PC and have a MAC connected remotely. I have specified iOS version 9.0 in config.xml file. It successfully creates release builds for iOS by generating a .ipa file.
When I put this file in my mac system, connect my iPad air with version 9.02 and try to install the app on device with itunes, the status says installing but then freezes. It never completes installing the app completely.
FYI- The provisioning file I have used for it is an AD-HOC provisioning file. My device along with its UDID is registered in my apple developer account too.
What are the probable reasons for it? How can I correct it?
You can't install release build with itunes. Use debug build, and it will work.