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IntelliJ IDEA / WebStorm IDE: how to jump right to specific settings screen?

IntelliJ IDEA / WebStorm:

I frequently manage and tweak my live templates and I'm getting very tired of having to navigate each time to the live templates screen. How can I make a shortcut to instantly jump right to the Live Templates settings screen? Or any other settings screen for that matter? Must I use automation with AutoHotKey or is there a better way?

And yes, I am already familiar with the shortcut key to define a new live template -- that's not what I'm looking for. I simply want to jump to the settings screen in one keystroke.

UPDATE: Going with Chistoph's suggestion, here is my AutoHotKey snippet in case anybody's interested. It's far from perfect; you might need to adjust the timing values for your system:

#IfWinActive,.* - WebStorm 201
    KeyWait, LAlt
    Sleep 600
    Send {LShift}{LShift}
    Sleep 100
    Send Live Templates
    Sleep 300
    Send {Enter}
#IfWinActive  ; turns off context sensitivity


  • One method you can use:

    Double press shift in your editor, then click on the gear icon for settings. Turn on Show IDE settings there.

    Afterwards you can double press shift and enter Live Templates in the prompt, press Enter and you are in the right settings screen.