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Swift 3 Alamofire multipart upload

Thanks to migration to Swift 3, I find it difficult to compile my project that uses Alamofire.

The problem occurs when uploading multipartFormData:

Alamofire.upload(.POST, URL, headers: headers, multipartFormData: {
        multipartFormData in

Ambiguous reference to member 'upload(_:to:method:headers:)'

Any help much appreciated, thanks in advance!


 Alamofire.upload(multipartFormData: { (multipartFormData) in

        multipartFormData.append(fileData, withName: "file_pack", fileName: "file_pack", mimeType: "text/plain")

        for (key, value) in self.parameters {
            multipartFormData.append( String.Encoding.utf8)!, withName: key)
        }, with: URL2, encodingCompletion: { (result) in

            switch result {
            case .success(let upload, _, _):

                upload.responseJSON { response in
                    print(response.request)  // original URL request
                    print(response.response) // URL response
                    print(     // server data
                    print(response.result)   // result of response serialization
                    //                        self.showSuccesAlert()
                    self.removeImage("frame", fileExtension: "txt")
                    if let JSON = response.result.value {
                        print("JSON: \(JSON)")

            case .failure(let encodingError):


This is how upload method should be implemented in Swift 3


  • For example, using Alamofire 4.0.0 in Swift 3:

    (make sure you are 4.0.0 ready as it looks like you haven't updated your Alamofire yet)

    Alamofire.upload(multipartFormData: { (multipartFormData) in
            // code
        }, to: URL, encodingCompletion: { (result) in
            // code


    Alamofire.upload(multipartFormData: { (multipartFormData) in
            // code
        }, with: URL, encodingCompletion: { (result) in
            // code

    So headers need to be passed by URL request:

    let URL = try! URLRequest(url: "", method: .get, headers: headers)