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First record not picked up in pagination script (despite the fact it is set to show all records > NOW() as query)

This is my pagination script, which I've been working on:

This is the query page which displays the records - but it omits the first record:

The actual query is this:

   //Require the file that contains the required classes

   //PhpMyCoder Paginator
   $paginator = new pmcPagination(20, "page");

   //Connect to the database
   mysql_connect("localhost","root","PASSWORD HIDDEN FOR SECURITY REASONS");
   //Select DB

   //Select only results for today and future   
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM housemd WHERE expiration > NOW() 
        order by airdate;");
        $recordCount = mysql_num_rows($result);

   //You can also add reuslts to paginate here
   mysql_data_seek($result,0) ;
           while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    $paginator->add(new paginationData($row['programme'],

and the dates are all in the future, yet to even get the first record to show, I have to duplicate it in PhpMyadmin - so what is wrong with my script?

Is it something to do with mysql_fetch_array, and if so, where do I need to fix the script?

In any case, here's the data from the database, all showing records for future events:

In short, the basic problem is, I have to manually duplicate a record to get it to show in the script sometimes, and I'm trying to find a fix - but I'm having trouble looking for a solution. I've tried myself, and it didn't work.

I hope I've explained this well enough.

Any help on fixing this is appreciated (just post the solutions in my pastebin links where it allows you to submit a correction/amendment to the pastebin, if you want.)



  • I think the problem is in your Paginatop class

    this row $result = ($page - 1) * $resultsPerPage + 1; will return 1 for the first page and you will show the second element in $this->items[$result] array - $this->items[1], not the first $this->items[0].

    Give it a try with $result = ($page - 1) * $resultsPerPage;

    for page 1 $result will be 0 for page 2 $result will be 19 (if showing 20 records per page)