I'm trying to give access where an association exists using cancan.
It needs to work with both object attributes and accessible_by selection (so I can't use a block, unless someone tells me how I get around the error when I do that).
I've come up with a brutal hack.
has_many :recordings
has_many :emails
can :manage, Lead
can :manage, Recording, :lead_id => (1..Lead.pluck(:id).max).to_a
can :manage, Email, :lead_id => (1..Lead.pluck(:id).max).to_a
What I mean is lead_id is not null...
Is there any way I can do that without creating a 100,000 item array every time?
Extra info: It's worth noting that these are not the only controls in place on the Recording and Emails models, so it's important that I can add the extra permissions rather than reset and express them negatively.
There are two ways to achieve this:
This is the recommended approach. Use this, unless you have a good reason not to.
The idea here is to combine a cannot
ability, in conjunction with can
can :manage, Recording
cannot :manage, Recording, lead_id: nil
Note that the order is important here, so that the rule overriding is correct.
By defining the ability with a block, you can form more complicated queries.
A simple implementation would be as follows:
can :manage, Recording do |recording|
However, in order to combine this ability with others, you must also specify the SQL conditions when fetching records. This additional SQL controls load_resource
actions, such as index
can :manage, Recording, ["lead_id IS NOT NULL"] do |recording|
In order to keep this logic DRY, you could also consider defining your permissions in a block such as:
[Recording, Email].each do |model|
can :manage, model
cannot :manage, model, lead_id: nil