I've wasted my entire day trying to use the minimax algorithm to make an unbeatable tictactoe AI. I missed something along the way (brain fried).
I'm not looking for code here, just a better explanation of where I went wrong.
from copy import deepcopy
class Square(object):
def __init__(self, player=None):
self.player = player
def empty(self):
return self.player is None
class Board(object):
winning_combos = (
[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8],
[0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6],
def __init__(self, squares={}):
self.squares = squares
for i in range(9):
if self.squares.get(i) is None:
self.squares[i] = Square()
def available_moves(self):
return [k for k, v in self.squares.iteritems() if v.empty]
def complete(self):
for combo in self.winning_combos:
combo_available = True
for pos in combo:
if not pos in self.available_moves:
combo_available = False
if combo_available:
return self.winner is not None
return True
def player_won(self):
return self.winner == 'X'
def computer_won(self):
return self.winner == 'O'
def tied(self):
return self.complete == True and self.winner is None
def winner(self):
for player in ('X', 'O'):
positions = self.get_squares(player)
for combo in self.winning_combos:
win = True
for pos in combo:
if pos not in positions:
win = False
if win:
return player
return None
def heuristic(self):
if self.player_won:
return -1
elif self.tied:
return 0
elif self.computer_won:
return 1
def get_squares(self, player):
return [k for k,v in self.squares.iteritems() if v.player == player]
def make_move(self, position, player):
self.squares[position] = Square(player)
def minimax(self, node, player):
if node.complete:
return node.heuristic
a = -1e10000
for move in node.available_moves:
child = deepcopy(node)
child.make_move(move, player)
a = max([a, -self.minimax(child, get_enemy(player))])
return a
def get_enemy(player):
if player == 'X':
return 'O'
return 'X'
Your complete function is not working as expected, causing games to be declared tied before anything can happen. For instance, consider this setup:
>> oWinning = {
1: Square('X'),
3: Square('O'), 4: Square('X'),
6: Square('O'), 8: Square('X'),
>> nb = Board(oWinning)
>> nb.complete
>> nb.tied
This should be a win for the computer on the next move. Instead, it says the game is tied.
The problem is that your logic in complete, right now, checks to see if all of the squares in a combo are free. If any of them are not, it presumes that that combo can't be won with. What it needs to do is check if any positions in that combo are occupied, and so long as all of those combos are either None or the same player, that combo should be considered still available.
def available_combos(self, player):
return self.available_moves + self.get_squares(player)
def complete(self):
for player in ('X', 'O'):
for combo in self.winning_combos:
combo_available = True
for pos in combo:
if not pos in self.available_combos(player):
combo_available = False
if combo_available:
return self.winner is not None
return True
Now that I properly tested this with the updated code I'm getting the expected result on this test case:
>>> nb.minimax(nb, 'O')
>>> nb.minimax(nb, 'X')