I have the following code that uses ScalaCheck properties to test some class
package quickcheck.tests
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
import org.scalacheck.Gen._
import org.scalacheck.Prop._
import org.scalacheck._
import org.scalacheck.util.ConsoleReporter
class Heap
object Heap
val empty = new Heap
def insert(i: Int, h: Heap) = new Heap
class TestCheck extends Properties("Heap")
lazy val genHeap: Gen[Heap] =
def sizedHeap(size: Int): Gen[Heap] =
if (size <= 0)
i <- arbitrary[Int] suchThat(_ > Int.MinValue);
s <- choose(0, size);
h <- sizedHeap(s)
Heap.insert(i, h)
implicit lazy val arbHeap: Arbitrary[Heap] = Arbitrary(genHeap)
property("test1") = forAll
(h: Heap) => true
property("test2") = forAll
(h1: Heap, h2: Heap, n: Int) => true
object MyTest extends App
println("*** TEST 1")
val checkHeap = new TestCheck
println("*** TEST 2")
val checkHeap2 = new TestCheck
println("*** TEST 3")
val checkHeap3 = new TestCheck
Test.check(Test.Parameters.default.withTestCallback(ConsoleReporter(1)), checkHeap)
If I run it thru the ScalaCheck Test
class I get different results if I use method Test.checkProperties
or method Test.check
This is the output I get:
*** TEST 1
+ Heap.test1: OK, passed 100 tests.
+ Heap.test2: OK, passed 100 tests.
*** TEST 2
+ Heap.test1: OK, passed 100 tests.
+ Heap.test2: OK, passed 100 tests.
*** TEST 3
! Gave up after only 40 passed tests. 202 tests were discarded.
My questions is why TEST1 gives different result than TEST3.
If I remove the suchThat
filter and leave the for
statement in the sizeHead
method as this:
i <- arbitrary[Int]
s <- choose(0, size);
h <- sizedHeap(s)
Heap.insert(i, h)
I get the following result:
*** TEST 1
+ Heap.test1: OK, passed 100 tests.
+ Heap.test2: OK, passed 100 tests.
*** TEST 2
+ Heap.test1: OK, passed 100 tests.
+ Heap.test2: OK, passed 100 tests.
*** TEST 3
+ OK, passed 100 tests.
Is this a bug or it is the correct behaviour? Keep in mind that ScalaTest Checkers.check
uses Test.check
You get different results because you're doing different things. Your first two tests—which are effectively the same—check all properties separately, whereas your third one tests all properties as if they were a single property.
Take a look at the signatures of Test.check
and Test.checkProperties
: The former takes a single Prop
, whereas the latter takes a Properties
In scalacheck 1.12 Properties
inherits from Prop
; if you pass Properties
as Prop
you get a new property that tests whether all contained properties hold. The consequence is that you test all your TestCheck
properties with a single check configuration (i.e. generators, iteration limits, etc.), and naturally that check configuration is exhausted at some point.
So yes, that's expected behaviour. Of course, it's absolutely confusing, hence scalacheck 1.13 removed this feature: Properties
does not inherit from Prop
anymore; your example would not compile on scalacheck 1.13 anymore.