I have a pie chart in angular-nvd3. https://krispo.github.io/angular-nvd3/#/pieChart The issue I have is with a pie chart, I have 5 slices, when all the pie slices are labeled, it looks very scrunched together. I want to instead modify the legend so that instead of just displaying the keys, I want to show:
<key> + <number of records in that key>
Using "labelType" I can change what is shown on the labels of the slices pie chart, but how can I change what is shown in the legend?
Could not find anything in the API to do this.
But here is a bit of hack to do it via d3:
After render
1) get all the text DOM
2) run a for loop on all the text.
3) get the text's data and change the inner HTML.
dispatch: {
renderEnd: function(e) {
//for each text
d3.selectAll(".nv-legend text")[0].forEach(function(d){
//get the data
var t= d3.select(d).data()[0];
//set the new data in the innerhtml
d3.select(d).html(t.key + " - " + t.y);
working code here