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"<FlexLexer.h> not found", only happens in C++ mode

I am testing and playing a bit with flex before I start using it for a real project, but I am facing sone issues.

I am working on Android using a Linux emulator named Termux. I've installed flex and clang executing respectively $ apt install flex and $ apt install clang.

I have noticed that if I write flex code for C, process it with $ flex filename, and then compile it with $ gcc -lfl lex.yy.c, everything compiles and the binary works perfectly.

But if I write flex code for C++ (i.e. using C++ only features), process it with $ flex -+ filename and compile it with $ g++ -lfl, during compilation an error pops out saying that a file FlexLexer.h, included as

#include <FlexLexer.h>

was not found.

Why does this only happen when using C++? Since I actually need it for C++, how can I fix this issue, minding that I am working on Android using an emulator?


  • This was a bug in the flex package in Termux and has now been fixed - run apt update && apt upgrade to get the updated package which contains FlexLexer.h.