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Code choosing not to be asynchronous

I have a function which grabs a couple variables from an online JSON, one of those being the Approved variable which is set to "true". When I call the function, the first time I will get the "Denied" alert since the Approved variable does not have a value since the code is not asynchronous, but no matter what I do I can't get it to work. It's only until the second time that it has the previous value saved and goes to the Success alert.

The code:

@IBAction func approveuser(_ sender: AnyObject) {
theplace = place //Saving variable.

Alamofire.request("\(variable)&requested=\(").responseJSON{ response in
if let JSON = response.result.value{
let json = JSON as! NSDictionary
Approved = json["Approved"] as! String
LoadedVersion = json["version"] as! String

if(AppVersion != LoadedVersion){
self.showalert("Update Required", message: "Please update the app", confirm: "Okay")

if(Approved == "true"){
self.showalert("Approved!", message: "Success", confirm: "Okay")
self.showalert("Denied!", message: "Denied", confirm: "Okay")

I have tried placing DispatchQueue.main.async { wherever I can in the code but it still does not want to work no matter where I put it.


  • Where put the codes for asynchronous on main queue?

    I think like below be work as your intended.

    @IBAction func approveuser(_ sender: AnyObject) {
        theplace = place //Saving variable.
        Alamofire.request("\(variable)&requested=\(").responseJSON{ response in
            if let JSON = response.result.value{
                let json = JSON as! NSDictionary
                Approved = json["Approved"] as! String
                LoadedVersion = json["version"] as! String
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                if(AppVersion != LoadedVersion){
                    self.showalert("Update Required", message: "Please update the app", confirm: "Okay")
                if(Approved == "true"){
                    self.showalert("Approved!", message: "Success", confirm: "Okay")
                    self.showalert("Denied!", message: "Denied", confirm: "Okay")