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Error: Slim instance must be Slim\Views\Twig, Slim\Container given

I'm trying basic container tutorials on Youtube, and I'm stuck on this part. I made sure that a twig instance is given and not a container, but the error still appears.

heres the container part of index.php:

$container['view'] = function ($container)
    $view = new \Slim\Views\Twig('src/Views', ['cache' => false,]);
    $view->addExtension(new \Slim\Views\TwigExtension(

    return $view;

$container['loginController'] = function ($container){

    return new \App\Controllers\LoginController($container->view);


$app->get('/', 'LoginController:login_redirect');


 use Slim\Views\Twig as View;

protected $view;

public function __construct(View $view){
    $this->view = $view;


public function login_redirect($request, $response){
    $this->view->render($response, 'testing.twig');



  • Shouldn't $container['view'] be passed as constructor argument here, instead of $container->view?

    $container['loginController'] = function ($container){
        return new \App\Controllers\LoginController($container->view);