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Multithread queue of jobs

I have a queue of jobs which can be populated by multiple threads (ConcurrentQueue<MyJob>). I need to implement continuous execution of this jobs asynchronously(not by main thread), but only by one thread at the same time. I've tried something like this:

public class ConcurrentLoop {
    private static ConcurrentQueue<MyJob> _concurrentQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<MyJob>();

    private static Task _currentTask;
    private static object _lock = new object();

    public static void QueueJob(Job job)

    private static void checkLoop()
        if ( _currentTask == null || _currentTask.IsCompleted )
            lock (_lock)
                if ( _currentTask == null || _currentTask.IsCompleted )
                    _currentTask = Task.Run(() =>
                            MyJob current;
                            while( _concurrentQueue.TryDequeue( out current ) ) 
                                //Do something                                                       

This code in my opinion have a problem: if task finnishing to execute(TryDequeue returns false but task have not been marked as completed yet) and in this moment i get a new job, it will not be executed. Am i right? If so, how to fix this


  • Your problem statement looks like a producer-consumer problem, with a caveat that you only want a single consumer.

    There is no need to reimplement such functionality manually. Instead, I suggest to use BlockingCollection -- internally it uses ConcurrentQueue and a separate thread for the consumption. Note, that this may or may not be suitable for your use case.

    Something like:

    _blockingCollection = new BlockingCollection<your type>(); // you may want to create bounded or unbounded collection
    _consumingThread = new Thread(() =>
        foreach (var workItem in _blockingCollection.GetConsumingEnumerable()) // blocks when there is no more work to do, continues whenever a new item is added.
          // do work with workItem

    Multiple producers (tasks or threads) can add work items to the _blockingCollection no problem, and no need to worry about synchronizing producers/consumer.

    When you are done with producing task, call _blockingCollection.CompleteAdding() (this method is not thread safe, so it is advised to stop all producers beforehand). Probably, you should also do _consumingThread.Join() somewhere to terminate your consuming thread.