Consider the following case: I have two entities: Article
and ArticleComment
// \AppBundle\Entity\Article
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="ArticleComment", mappedBy="article")
private $comments;
I need to store the amount of comments in a field on the article (eg. articles.comments_count
). The field needs to be updated whenever a comment is created or deleted.
Previously I used the CakePHP framework which has built-in CounterCache behavior which does this automatically. I've tried my best to find something similar for Doctrine 2 (starting with DoctrineExtensions library) but nothing seems to do what I'm looking for.
Any library that does this? Or do I have to come up with my own solution?
Edit: I've tried using Entity Events but I require this behavior on many entities so I'm interested in a reusable solution
Here is another answer which avoids storing this kind of aggregate and enables you to use the paginator as you've requested in comments. I didn't test it yet so there could be some errors.
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
->select('a.title,, count(c)')
->from('Article', 'a')
->leftJoin('a.comments', 'c')
$paginator = $this->get('knp_paginator');
$pagination = $paginator->paginate($qb, $page, $limit);
As I said, this issue is not really Doctrine related because your initial model design is bad. Usually, you don't need to store an aggregate which can be computed with a count/groupby query. This kind of aggregate is useful when you have a lot of joined entities which creates a real overhead during computing. Else, you don't need it.