I am using jdbctemplate to execute queries against db in my spring application.
Here is the method that is annotated with @Transactional
public boolean doSomething(){
try {
jdbcTemplate.update(sql1); //1
jdbcTemplate.update(sql2); //2
jdbcTemplate.update(sql3); //3
return true;
} catch (Exception ex){
return false;
My question is if 1 and 2 succeeds and 3 fails, will the transaction on 1 and 2 rolls back or not? How can I test this?
Additionally is having a boolean as return value a good practice to indicate the state of transaction?
NO! If you catch the exception your sql will not rollback!!!!
This will not trigger a rollback. You need to remove the try-catch. But yes these will rollback as expected if a runtime exception is thrown. Please reference the documentation below.
@Transactional settings
You'll see a few lines down that rollbacks are triggered by any RuntimeException. So if you catch the exception it will not trigger a rollback it will simply end the transaction when you return false. Notice further that it will not rollback if you throw a checked exception so don't try to fix this by throwing an exception to do whatever you were going to do with that boolean return value.
I haven't tried this myself but it appears you can rollback for checked exceptions if you set the rollbackFor property on @Transactional or maybe just catch RuntimeException on the outside of this method? Or throw your own Runtime Exception? I leave that to you.
As asked above this also works for repositories you can see an example here
Spring Data(Repositories) transactions