I have a Try
that throws Exception. I want that Try
to become a Future
so I will be able to recoverWith
How can I convert the Try
into a Future
without handling any exceptions in the Try
(just in the Future with recover)?
note that Await is needed to test the result of your future
The code sample demonstrates what I had in mind but it also throws once reached (new RuntimeException("-------failed-------")
is what I get)
val t = Try(throw new RuntimeException("my"))
val resF : Future[String] = if (t.isSuccess)
Future.failed(new RuntimeException("-------failed-------"))
val resFWithRecover = resF.recoverWith{
case NonFatal(e) =>
Await.result(resFWithRecover, Duration("5s"))
... how do convert
without handling any exception in theTry
Use Future.fromTry
scala> val t = Try(throw new RuntimeException("my"))
t: scala.util.Try[Nothing] = Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException: my)
scala> val resF = Future.fromTry(t)
resF: scala.concurrent.Future[Nothing] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$KeptPromise@57cf54e1
scala> resF.recoverWith{
| case NonFatal(e) =>
| Future.successful("recoveredWith")
| }
res5: scala.concurrent.Future[String] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise@1b75c2e3