I am having a problem animating my buttons as I create them using addsubview. They all show up at once even when I increase the delay of the animation in my loop. I would be grateful to anyone that can help.
func createButton () {
var setx = 50
var sety = 100
var delay = 0.4
var wordsInCharacters = [String]()
for letter in "RAILROAD".characters{
while wordsInCharacters.count > 0 {
let randomIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(wordsInCharacters.count)))
// Creating the buttons
let button = SpringButton()
button.frame = CGRect(x: setx, y: sety, width: 64, height: 64)
button.setTitle( "\(wordsInCharacters[randomIndex])", for: .normal)
button.setTitleColor(UIColor.white, for: .normal)
button.backgroundColor = UIColor.gray
button.titleLabel?.font = UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue", size: 30)
// Add animation
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1, delay: delay, options: .curveEaseInOut, animations: {
}, completion: nil)
if setx <= 200 {
setx += 100
setx = 50
sety += 100
wordsInCharacters.remove(at: randomIndex)
delay += 0.2
for making a easy animation dont add the views in the animation block. At first set the Button Alpha value to 0, than add the button as subview. In the animationblock u set the button.alpha to 1. Voila ...