I'm trying to left join the second table useri_ban
based on the users' ids, with the extra condition: useri_ban.start_ban = max_start
In order for me to calculate max_start
, I have to run the following subquery:
(SELECT MAX(ub.start_ban) AS max_start, user_id FROM useri_ban ub WHERE ub.user_id = useri.id)
Furthermore, in order to add max_start
to every row, I need to inner join this subquery's result into the main result. However, it seems that once I apply that join, the subquery is no longer able to access useri.id
What am I doing wrong?
useri.id as id,
useri.email as email,
useri_ban.warning_type_id as warning_type_id,
useri_ban.type as type,
useri.created_at AS created_at
FROM `useri`
inner join
(SELECT MAX(ub.start_ban) AS max_start, user_id FROM useri_ban ub WHERE ub.user_id = useri.id) `temp`
on `useri`.`id` = `temp`.`user_id`
left join `useri_ban` on `useri_ban`.`user_id` = `useri`.`id` and `useri_ban`.`start_ban` = `max_start`
Does this solve your problem? You need GROUP BY in the inner query instead of another join.
SELECT useri.id, useri.email, maxQuery.maxStartBan
FROM useri
SELECT useri_ban.user_id ubid, MAX(useri_ban.startban) maxStartBan
FROM useri_ban
GROUP BY useri_ban.user_id
) AS maxQuery
ON maxQuery.ubid = useri.id;