I am new in Learning of Spring cloud Task and SCDF so asking this.
I wand to execute my SCT based on an event (say a message is posted into Rabbit MQ), so I am think it can be done in two ways:
Create a source which polls message from RabbitMQ and sends the data to stream, now create a sink which reads data from stream and as soon as data comes to sink (from source stream) Task will be launched.
create steam producer --definition "rabbitproducer | streamconsumer (This is @TaskEnabled)"
Not sure if this is possible?
Other way could be to use task launcher. Here task launcher will be configured with a stream and a listener will be polling message from rabbitMQ. so when a message is received then trigger will initiate the process and tasklauncher will launch the task. But here not sure how will i get the message data into my task? Do I have to add the data into TaskLaunchRequest?
create stream mystream --definition "rabbitmsgtrigger --uri:my task | joblauncher"
Launching a Task by an upstream event is already supported and there are few approaches to it - please review the reference guide (and the sample) for more details.