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Predict label image in tensorflow inception failed to load compute graph

I've retrained the inception model so that it fits my own needs and got this step working :

Final test accuracy = 70.6% Converted 2 variables to const ops.

ls /tmp/ | grep output

output_graph.pb output_labels.txt

I know want to test my model and following the instructions I tried :

bazel build tensorflow/examples/label_image:label_image && bazel-bin/tensorflow/examples/label_image/label_image --graph=/tmp/ouput_graph.pb --labels=/tmp/output_labels.txt --output_layer=final_result --image=~/Images/cat/pic.jpg

The build phase succeed but the second part of the command line gives me this error :

E tensorflow/examples/label_image/] Not found: Failed to load compute graph at '/tmp/ouput_graph.pb'

I don't know how to solve this, as long as this file exists (its size is about 85 Mb)


  • Is there a typo in your command line? I see ouput_graph.pb when I'd expect to see output_graph.pb (with a 't' in output_graph.pb).