class targil4(object):
def plus():
x=list(raw_input('enter 4 digit Num '))
print x
for i in x:
print x
this is my code, I try to get input of 4 digits from user, then to add 1 to each digit, and print it back. When I run this code i get the massage:
Traceback (most recent call last):
['1', '2', '3', '4']
File "C:/Users/Maymon/PycharmProjects/untitled4/", line 1, in <module>
class targil4(object):
File "C:/Users/Maymon/PycharmProjects/untitled4/", line 10, in targil4
File "C:/Users/Maymon/PycharmProjects/untitled4/", line 6, plus
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str
Process finished with exit code 1
I believe you may get more out of an answer here by actually looking at each statement and seeing what is going on.
# Because the user enters '1234', x is a list ['1', '2', '3', '4'],
# each time the loop runs, i gets '1', '2', etc.
for i in x:
# here, x[i] fails because your i value is a string.
# You cannot index an array via a string.
So we can "fix" this by adjusting the code by our new understanding.
# We create a new output variable to hold what we will display to the user
output = ''
for i in x:
output += str(int(i) + 1)