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How to setup a valid mongo replicaset

I would like to study a scenario that there are several MongoDB in replica mode but in a special case, there is only one working. My configuration is like following.

I have a MongoDB container on an EC2 instance, my command is

sudo docker run \
--name mongo \
-v /home/core/mongo-files/data:/data/db \
-p 27018:27017 -d mongo:3.2.1 \
--smallfiles \
--replSet "rs0"

then I have 2 applications developing by Nodejs that use this database. They connect with this connection string:

uri: 'mongodb://'

Unfortunately, one of my applications works well but other doesn't. Error message when it tried to connect database is

MongoDB connection error: MongoError: no valid replicaset members found

I have check status by running this commands rs.slaveOk(), rs.status() then I have this

rs0:PRIMARY> rs.status()
    "set" : "rs0",
    "date" : ISODate("2016-09-19T11:50:59.947Z"),
    "myState" : 1,
    "term" : NumberLong(2),
    "heartbeatIntervalMillis" : NumberLong(2000),
    "members" : [
            "_id" : 0,
            "name" : "02aaebd39d4b:27017",
            "health" : 1,
            "state" : 1,
            "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",
            "uptime" : 1194663,
            "optime" : {
                "ts" : Timestamp(1474285564, 1),
                "t" : NumberLong(2)
            "optimeDate" : ISODate("2016-09-19T11:46:04Z"),
            "electionTime" : Timestamp(1473091196, 1),
            "electionDate" : ISODate("2016-09-05T15:59:56Z"),
            "configVersion" : 1,
            "self" : true
    "ok" : 1

Is this setup for my scenario correct or not? If it is not correct, how to fix it?


  • Maybe start again, there are 3 stages to starting the replica

    1. starting mongod instances as replicas

      mongod --port 27018 --replSet rs0 --dbpath /home/core/mongo-files/data:/data/db1 --logpath your/log/path --smallfiles --fork --logappend
      mongod --port 27017 --replSet rs0 --dbpath /home/core/mongo-files/data:/data/db2 --logpath your/log/path --smallfiles --fork --logappend
    2. Connect to mongodb and initiate the replica and define the mongods included as replicas

             _id: "rs0",
             members: [
                { _id: 0, host : "Your.Machine's.LocalHost:27017" },
                { _id: 1, host : "Your.Machine's.LocalHost:27018" }
    3. actually initiating the replica with the command below.
