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Meta viewport tag user scalable=no ignored in Android 6.0+, Chrome version 53?

I have created a responsive website, that should scale accordingly to the window size. The website provides a drawing app (with mouse/finger) that has its own zooming libraries so I don't want to allow the user to scale the page with the classical "pinching" because that will mess with my libraries and create an offset.

So I added the meta viewport tag:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1">

Which should not allow the user to scale by pinching. But it does.

Android v 6.01, Chrome v. 53 completely ignores the user-scalable=no while on Firefox v.48 it works as supposed (or at least as I think it's supposed). could not test on safari because I don't have an iOS device handy.

LATER EDIT: Android v 6.01, Chrome v. 52 doesn't allow pinching when user-scalable=no.

What did I do wrong here? Is the user-scalable property ignored by default in the latest version of Chrome?


  • You probably have "Force enable zoom" checked in Settings>Accessibility. user-scalable=no works correctly for me in Chrome M53.