I am trying to echo the following output (if ktg=001) from a remote xml file. Thanks in advance for any help
Output that I'd like to echo:
22 44
55 65
XML file located in remote url:
<aaa id="AA" epg="AA" ktg="001">
<Customer id="0001">
<Date>09/19/2016 13:20:00</Date>
<SOS type="BB" id="0002">
<age name="df1">22</age>
<age name="df2">44</age>
<Customer id="0002">
<Date>09/20/2016 06:20:00</Date>
<SOS type="CC" id="0004">
<age name="df1">55</age>
<age name="df2">65</age>
PHP my example :
$url = 'http://remotexmllocationonforexample';
$obj = simplexml_load_file($url);
foreach ($obj->aaa as $aaa) {
if ( $aaa['ktg'] == '001') {
echo $aaa->Customer->Name ;
echo ' <br />';
echo $aaa->Customer->SOS ;
You can try this code:
$url = 'http://remotexmllocationonforexample';
$obj = simplexml_load_file($url);
foreach ($xml as $aaa) {
$attr = $aaa->attributes();
if($attr['ktg']=='001') {
$xmlData = get_object_vars($aaa);
foreach($xmlData['Customer'] as $cust) {
$custDetais = get_object_vars($cust);
echo "Name: ".$custDetais['Name'].PHP_EOL;
foreach($custDetais['SOS'] as $sos) {
echo $sos[0]."\t";