Using DKImagePickerController from selecting multiple images and videos from gallery. But only able to select images and videos from gallery, yet not able to get selected images from DKAssets and save to array. Spent more than a day.
Below is the code trying:
let pickerController = DKImagePickerController()
pickerController.assetType = DKImagePickerControllerAssetType.AllAssets
pickerController.allowsLandscape = false
pickerController.allowMultipleTypes = true
pickerController.sourceType = DKImagePickerControllerSourceType.Both
pickerController.singleSelect = false
// Clear all the selected assets if you used the picker controller as a single instance.
// pickerController.defaultSelectedAssets = nil
pickerController.defaultSelectedAssets = self.assets
pickerController.didSelectAssets = { [unowned self] (assets: [DKAsset]) in
self.presentViewController(pickerController, animated: true) {}
Please guide, thanks ion advance.
Try this function. it worked for me.
func showImagePickerWithAssetType
assetType: DKImagePickerControllerAssetType,
allowMultipleType: Bool,
sourceType: DKImagePickerControllerSourceType = [.Camera, .Photo],
allowsLandscape: Bool,
singleSelect: Bool) {
let pickerController = DKImagePickerController()
pickerController.assetType = assetType
pickerController.allowsLandscape = allowsLandscape
pickerController.allowMultipleTypes = allowMultipleType
pickerController.sourceType = sourceType
pickerController.singleSelect = singleSelect
// pickerController.showsCancelButton = true
// pickerController.showsEmptyAlbums = false
// pickerController.defaultAssetGroup = PHAssetCollectionSubtype.SmartAlbumFavorites
// Clear all the selected assets if you used the picker controller as a single instance.
// pickerController.defaultSelectedAssets = nil
pickerController.defaultSelectedAssets = self.assets
pickerController.didSelectAssets = { (assets: [DKAsset]) in
self.assets = assets
if assets.count > 0 {
self.cameramoment.titleLabel?.textColor = UIColor.redColor()
//self.cameramoment.titleLabel?.alpha = 50
//self.cameramoment.titleLabel?.textColor = UIColor(red: 0.0, green: 184.0, blue: 214.0, alpha: 1.0)
else {
//self.cameramoment.setImage( UIImage (named: "grey_camera_32x32"), forState: .Normal)
self.cameramoment.titleLabel?.textColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor()
self.cameramoment.titleLabel?.alpha = 50
pickerController.modalPresentationStyle = .FormSheet;
self.presentViewController(pickerController, animated: true) {}
Call this function like this.
self.showImagePickerWithAssetType(DKImagePickerControllerAssetType.AllPhotos, allowMultipleType: true, allowsLandscape: true, singleSelect: false)
self.assets is defines as,
var assets: [DKAsset] = []
To get the image from DKAsset. try this.
for asset in assets {
asset.fetchImageWithSize(requiredImageSize, completeBlock: { image, info in
if let img = image {
let fixOrientationImage=img.fixOrientation()
cell.postmomentimage1.image = fixOrientationImage