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Wordpress migration broken images - even after updating database

I was trying to move a Wordpress site from a developing environment (WAMP) to the public domain.

wampserver 2.5 and apache 2.4

My images do have new URL's, according to my database. I tried to update the permalinks as well, after updating my database tables:


The offline database

ONLINE DATABASE The online database

So, then I tried to update the permalinks as well. Changed them from different options. But I get the following console error:

The console error

whilst I expected to see the correct image paths.

Then, there are these plugins that change the URL's for you. I tried several plugins, including

Velvet Blues Update URLs

Velvet Blues Update URLs Wordpress

After that, tried the permalinks again, without any success.

Can anyone maybe help me?


  • it may be worth looking at the following plugin:

    This plugin has been designed to combat the exact problem that you have described above and should resolve all of your content to the correct URLs.